Hostel Enrolment

Hostel Open Day - Friday 22nd March 2024

10am - 12noon - LJ Wild House - 72 North Street, Feilding


Hostel fees for 2025 will be $14,400.

Limited boarding scholarships are available.

Prospectus and Hostel Handbook

2025 L.J Wild Hostel Information

2025 L.J Wild Hostel Handbook

Enrolment Forms

2025 Hostel Application Form

2025 Hostel Conditions of Entry

Medical Information Form

Enrolment Process

We encourage all families considering boarding to attend a hostel and open day as a Year 7 or 8. The L J Wild House Open Day is held mid term 1 each year.

Step 1

Complete an L J Wild House application form – this should be completed before the Hostel Open Day. The application form also requires a copy of a recent school report and photo. We also encourage any references to be attached with the application.

Once the form is completed they can be emailed to:

Step 2

Interview – Once an application form has been received an interview time will be arranged with either the Head of Boys’ or Head of Girls’ boarding. These interviews are usually completed before the Hostel Open Day.

Step 3

A written confirmation of a hostel placement or a placement on the waiting list will be sent to families usually around May. A student’s acceptance of a place at L J Wild House will be confirmed upon the school receiving the payment of the $1500 bond by August.

Step 4

Attend the FAHS School Open Day – Wednesday 19th June - 3pm or 7pm in the School Hall

Step 5

Hostel Orientation Day – the hostel will run a Hostel Orientation Day for all of the students who have confirmed their placement at L J Wild House. This is usually held at the end of the year.

Hostel Forms

L.J Wild House Leaving Form

L.J Wild House Vehicle Permission Form

Request for Information

Requests for information can be directed to:

Head of Boys' Boarding
Owen Viles
Email: [email protected]

Head of Girls' Boarding
Sarah Norman
Email: [email protected]

Or by post:

Heads' of Boarding
FAHS - Feilding High School
Churcher Street

